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Team Assessments

Applied Leadership Solutions  Team Assessments provide the insight needed to guide your team to success.

We will perform a baseline assessment of your team to understand  where they are and determing the best course of action to meet your goals.

Individual Leadership Assessments

Knowing how to proceed requires knowing where you are starting.  Learning about yourself is the beginning of leading others.  Our Leadership assessment will give your leader the understanding of where they are in the 5 levels of leadership which will chart the course for their leadership growth.

Applied Leadership Solutions Individual  Leadership Assessments

Leadership 360° Assessment

Applied Leadership Solutions 360 Degree Assessments

Our Leadership 360 Degree Assessment allows your leaders to see more by giving them views of their blindspots. Understanding their self view and the views of others allows your leaders to set effective goals.

DISC Behavioral Assessments

Applied Leadership Solutions DISC  Behavioral Assessments

DISC Behavioral Assessment and Training for individuals and teams will raise the self-awareness of your team members, promoting constructive change, improving communication, and understanding between them.   DISC allows leaders to manage better by becoming more naturally effective when they understand the dispositions and preferred working styles of their employees and other team members.

Applied Leadership Solutions Team DISC Assessments

Customized Assessments

Applied Leadership Solutions Can Customize Your Team's Assessments
The Team I LEAD
Applied ladership Soutons Wil Provide Actionable Plans and Real Results

We custom build assessments to meet your teams' needs. We have powerful, proven assessment and analysis tools.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Regular assessment of your team provides a view of your culture. We use the Gallup Q12 Assessment as a baseline and build your organizational assessment to provide specific detailed insight. We will guide your leadership team to take the steps to effectively lead the organization to evolve to a healthy, thriving culture.

Applied Leadership Solutions Engagement Surveys
Applied Leadership Solutions - Who is in your boat?
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